I am thinking … that Thomas the Train is the dumbest show. Why does Clare like it so much?
I am thankful for … car insurance and that the driver who hit my car last week actually had some. I am sorry I doubted him.
I am reading … City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. (And still finishing the other two books - now I have a downstairs book, upstairs book, and rocking chair/nursing book - such a geek.)
I am hoping … (selfishly) that Shawn chooses to drive three hours home from Connecticut tomorrow to drive three hours back the next day.
On my mind … whether or not it is vanity that I want to have my Lasix surgery touched up. Ten years post-surgery, I really need to wear my glasses full-time again, but I really don't want to. I sound like a little kid. I don't wanna! I don't wanna!
We’re learning … lines for the school play. Jamie has a small speaking role in The Emperor's New Clothes. Maybe one day Shawn and I will be able to get back into theatre.
Noticing that … I really need a Kitchen Aid Mixer.
Pondering these words … "The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth." --Luke 3: 5
From the kitchen … Christmas cookies. We've already baked galettes, sugar cookies, and Russian teacake surprise cookies. Peanut butter cookies are next. All cookies from my childhood, so I am awash in memories of Christmases at my parents' in Rhode Island and Granny's in West Virginia.
Around the house … Violet is cruising everywhere now. Nothing is safe, and she has realized that if she stands on her tiptoes, she can reach even more stuff!
One of my favorite things … my laptop. It's great to be portable!
A picture I am sharing …

Simon and Clare challenge each other, cheer for each other, and love and hate like the best of siblings!