The luncheon was fabulous. I was a little nervous going because it can be awkward getting together with other ladies that you do not know and the only thing you know you have in common is that you all have a child with a rare syndrome. What are you going to talk about? Duh.... Williams syndrome obviously. But it was more than that. We got to share stories, ideas, tips, but it wasn't a whine session or anything negative. Some parts felt like an episode of "Medical Mysteries" hearing all the different challenges our kids are faced with. You get so wrapped up in your own little world that it was nice to break free of that and see that you are not alone and there are many others walking down the same road. Since everyone was somewhat local, I also got some good advice on area resources and things to research - such as music therapy and hippotherapy (working with horses). There is a music camp in Massachusetts just for children with WS, so I am excited to attend an open house there in the near future.
And Kerry was awesome! (You were, you were!) Her son Brady is 17 months old, so he's not too much younger than Clare. We discovered she only lives about an hour away, so now we have no excuse not to get Brady and Clare together at some point. And, because I am pregnant, I have to comment that the food was delicious, and I ate three servings of lunch and two of dessert. Totally taking advantage of the pregnancy status! We'll see what the scale says when I go in for my OB appointment this week!
I'm so aching to meet all of you!
You are both so gorgeous! I'm glad I finally got to "see" Kerry!
I'm all up for some playdates! We'll need to go shopping for the new baby, then we'll have to have lunch, maybe a pedicure :)
So glad you all had fun!!! I wish I could hve come and meet everyone too...Tatums wants a play date ;)
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