Last night, we had the joy of attending our first Parents' Night at Jamie's preschool. It was amazing in many ways. (Not the least of which was that all three of our children stayed home with a babysitter for three hours - an incredible babysitter who put them all to bed, including Simon with a bottle. A big moment for us!)
After weeks of hearing bits and pieces of Jamie's life in school, we finally received more of a glimpse into that world. (Four years old and we already have these conversations: "What did you do in school today?" Reply: "Nothing" or "I don't remember.") We were able to see his math folder and writing
journal. The journal has open-ended statements in which Jamie draws a picture to compete the statement. Jamie then explains his drawing to the teacher who writes the rest of the sentence on his drawing. We always knew our boy had quite the imagination, but were a little taken aback by some of his endings. All and all, it was a great, informative night, and reaffirmed our satisfaction with Jamie's preschool. He loves every moment of school and soaks it all up. And school photos have finally gotten cuter!

Good job Jamie.
Hopefully Jamie doesn't call you a princess anytime soon, Teresa -- look what his did! :)
Love these Parents' Night times... you see that your little baby is so grown up.
WOW, what wonderful pictures!! One of a sweet adorable little boy who loves his siblings, and the other.........welllllllllllllll, what can I say??? I say it is wonderful that he has such a vivid imagination, and certainly enjoys using it, too! I say Piccasso! Love to all, Aunt Joan
LOL! Liam gives me the "i dunno.." reply to the "what did you do at school?" question too!
He is getting so big :) Great little drawer too!
The school pictures have gotten alot better. Jamie looks so big!!
Love the picture, amazing what kids come up with isn't it...
Oops... I thought it said the "mean princess ate her baby"! Never mind my last comment! :)
That's a great school picture! I'm glad he likes school so much. I love the drawing!
Wow, Jamie really is starting to look like his dad! What a wonderful photo!
As for the dragon, my drawings and stories started that way! Hee hee.
What an imagination!! Great job, Jamie.
For some reason his pic makes me laugh. It is so cute, and uncute at the same time!!!! Dragons eating babies! Oy vey, kids!
Oh my gosh, Too funny! He is such a cutie pie, Heather
Aren't kids amazing and so creative...you all are so blessed with you tribe of cuties :)
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