Yesterday, we had his birthday party and hired a face painter (hence the Ninja Turtle). I know I am probably very biased, but Jamie is such a wonderful kid. Sure he has his typical three year old moments (and sometimes we feel they are a little more than typical) but, all in all, he is such a great kid! So instead of me telling you why I think he is so great, I will relay a few short stories that tell me why he is so great.
The most recent story happened when he went and spent time with his Mimi and Papa. They took Jamie and his two cousins, Jasmine and Alex, to the Disney on Ice Show. As every good grandparent should do, Mimi and Papa (let the spoiling begin) said the kids could each pick out a souvenir. After the show, Mimi said she had a little more money so each kid could get one more souvenir. Instead of getting something for himself, Jamie wanted to get something for Clare. This story really gets to the heart of who Jamie is - a sweet sweet kid. I am also very proud of this little guy, because as much as Teresa and I thought we were doing a good job sheltering him from all the pain and stress of Clare, we realized we weren't capable of hiding everything. The day of Clare's open heart surgery, we called Jamie to check in on him and see how he was doing. After he talked to Mommy and then talked to Daddy, he asked to talk to Clare. I explained to him that Clare was with the doctor who was making her boo boo better. He insisted on talking to Clare, and as much as I tried, I could not persuade him otherwise. So I handed the phone to Teresa who spoke to Jamie in a high squeaky baby voice... and he was fine. I realized then that he understood in his own way, that something was wrong with Clare, and he needed reassurance she was all right.
So, that is Jamie, and I love him with all my might. Jamie, you are too young to read this but someday I hope you do. I love you. Your Mommy and I are so proud of the little boy you are and also, in many ways, the little man you are. You make us so proud of you each and every day. We thank you for being funny, and sweet, for being genuine and strong, for being a goofball and making us laugh when you know we need to. In this turmoil of a year, you have been a safe place for your Mom and me and, for that, we cannot shower you enough with Heffalump kisses. Happy Birthday, little guy, and I hope you had a wonderful day!