Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just You and Me, Kid

Shawn took Jamie to Maine today to spend the day with Shawn's mom, so it's just the girls. We went to Clare's OT session in the sensory room, did some grocery shopping, and now she is napping while I am baking the dozens of cookies for our cookie swap (and taking a quick computer break!). This morning, after Shawn and Jamie left, Clare and I were finishing our breakfast. I looked at her and said, "It's just you and me, kid." Her response: "Uh oh." How appropriate!

Clare continues to do great with her OT sessions. It helps that she just adores Jessica, and if Clare starts to get fussy (or even scared, like she did today when she tilted a bit on the big swing), Jessica is able to soothe her and distract her with another activity. I don't even need to be in the room anymore. Which I am usually not when Jessica comes to the house, as Jamie needs extra attention during Clare's OT. It was nice to sit in the corner and just watch Clare's session today without any distractions. She played forever in the big corn kernel bucket, unearthing all the scary-looking dinosaurs (a plus to having a big brother is that scary-looking dinosaurs do not even faze Clare). Clare is more vocal every day. We spent this past weekend in RI with my family, and Clare came home saying "auntie" and "na-nia" (her version of Grania, my mom's "grandmother" name). Clare's other new favorite word, learned at OT, is "bubble." Jamie loves the Rudolph movie featuring the Bumble (the ambominable snowman). He especially likes to look for Bumbles while we drive, which always leads to another little voice in the backseat repeating incessantly "bubble... bubble... bubble." The other new phrases in her repertoire are "thank you," "I do," and "rock rock." (She loves to rock on anything! Which is why Santa is bringing her a pint-sized rocking horse.)

Clare's PT is slowly progressing. She still is not even close to crawling - she just hates being in that hands and knees position. She is starting to trust Kelly, her physical therapist, more so she allows Kelly to do harder stuff with her. Her walking is coming along. She will take steps holding your hands now, and does not even protest the entire time, like she used to do. She still cannot transition from laying to sitting, sitting to standing, but she is working on it.

That's it in a nutshell right now. At least I know my Christmas tree is safe for one more year from crawling babies. With any luck, next year, I will have two crawling babies to watch out for!! Back to the cookies...


Aspen said...

Oh I love to hear all the updates! Clare sounds like she is getting very vocal! Daven seems to be doing fairly well with OT but we still seem to be losing the battle with his speech therapy. It is amazing to read that she is saying so many incredible things! I love it. Good luck with those cookies!


Kerry said...

You went to RI? Man, I would've had you stop by for tea! :) That's great with Clare's OT. It sounds like she has a lot of fun, actually. It's funny how these kids will probably walk before they crawl, Brady too.

We're doing the cookie thing tomorrow. Yum!
Love -K

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we are making some real progress, Miss Clare! I am so happy for you, and know you will continue to progress to the stage that Mommy enjoys the 'quiet'! Have a wonderful Cooie party, and great holidays! Aunt Joan

Lisa said...

It is always nice to get to pay attention to OT or PT...I can never do that with Em around...

Nicole said...

Wow, what a little talker you have!! That is so great. Clare sounds like she is doing amazing. I love to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog. I just spent way too much time reading it (while ignoring my husband and kids . . .) My son, ten months old, was just diagnosed with Williams Syndrome, and until now, it has felt very lonely. But reading your posts has helped tremendously, and seeing the lovely pictures of your daughter and family were so encouraging. Your Clare could be my son's twin. (You and I have the same sense of humor and frank writing style, but I'm too chicken to put it out there. I'd feel like I was buck naked for all the world to see . . . ) Anyway, I'm still in the throws of the "recently diagnosed", and I was in a really low spot. Your blog pulled me up a bit. Thanks.
