So here we go, back to Boston. Tomorrow I am bringing Jamie to stay with my in-laws while we go down for Clare's pre-op on Thursday. They are going to join us at the hospital during Clare's cath, but we didn't want Jamie to have to sit through the 5-6 hours of pre-op as well (I wish we didn't have to go through it ourselves). I could go on and on about how much trepidation I feel about this whole procedure, but I won't. It's there. I keep reminding myself that in a few short days, it will all be over, and we will be back home again and enjoying our summer. Next week is another big week for us - Clare has her yearly Early Intervention evaluation with OT, PT, and an educator on Tuesday, then the Easter Seals Walk With Me is Thursday, and Friday we leave for my sister's wedding. We are all in the wedding party, so I promise that photos will be forthcoming! In a way, it will be nice to have Clare's cath behind us so we can enjoy the events of our jam-packed June. Well, I am not really looking forward to Clare's eval either. I have mixed feelings facing some of these things. On one hand, it will be good to hear how Clare is doing developmentally and this will be the beginning of the year-long process of
transitioning Clare to preschool

(oh my gosh!!). On the other hand, it won't be good to hear how Clare is doing developmentally - how behind she is, where she falls short, which IFSP goals she has not met. Plus Shawn is gone on business the beginning of next week, so I am running solo for Clare's eval, with Simon and Jamie to keep occupied. My favorite phrase - we'll see....
A photo of Clare in her AFO's. She dislikes them more and more. They force her feet flat on the ground, which she does not like. And I have to think they are very heavy on her tiny legs and feet, so it is more work for her to pick up her feet. Her shoes are supposed to come in this week, but even if they do, she won't be working with them until at least next week. Enjoy your break, Clare!
I had to also include these photos of enjoying our little swimming pool. Jamie is a fish and loves the water. He could be out there all day. This is the first year that Clare has enj

oyed the pool as well. She won't go in any water that she deems too cold, but we have had some sweltering hot days this May. On these days, I fill up the pool in the morning, and after Clare's nap, it is almost bathwater warm - a temperature she is agreeable to. Then she, too, is a battle to remove from the pool. And this photo of Jamie is priceless. That's our boy - there is always some bad guy lurking out there just waiting for Super Jamie to catch. (Or, lately, it's been Ninja Turtle Jamie.)