S~So it is 5:00am and I am up, not with Simon, he is sound asleep, but with Clare. Doesn't she know we need our sleep??? So we got home yesterday early afternoon and are now trying to find our routine again. It's funny, but you would think after having two kids already this would be a lot easier, but it is still hard to get everything in order. Oh well, who needs order? So as promised, here are the dirty little details and some pictures as well.
Teresa and I went into the hospital on April 30th about 1:30 pm. Teresa had not been feeling well the last couple of days so we thought it was time. We went in and they checked her and she was in early stages of labor - she had dilated to about 2 cm and was 75% effaced. They started her on Pitocin and then about 6:30pm broke her water. Then things started to really get moving. Teresa and I really wanted a different kind of birth experience this time. For Jamie and Clare's births, it was a real social event with all our family present in the room until the pushing started then it was just the moms. As nice as that was, we were looking for something a little more quiet and relaxed. Teresa really wanted to go without any pain medication so the relaxation was going to be a big factor. So we had the lights down low and a lot of Josh Groban and George Winston coming out of the IPOD. She used the birthing ball at first and then as things started to intensify she did some laboring in the tub (something she wanted to do for both Jamie and Clare's births but never got the chance). About 10:30 she transitioned into hard labor, by 11:30 she really wanted to push but when the doctor checked her she was only about 7cm.
As a side note here I have to tell all of you how Teresa continues to amaze me and how proud I am of what she did. The amount of pain I saw her go through and how she was able to focus herself in between contractions, how she was able to handle the pain. She is a truly an amazing woman and I am so lucky to have her.
This is where things got intense, her need to push was still there however she was not yet fully dilated. For those of you who remember with Clare, she never fully dilated, and Clare was born when she was only about 7cm. She labored for another an hour and a half. Even though she told us after every contraction she didn't think she could do it any more when the next contraction came she was as focused as if it was the first. At about 1:00am she told us she needed to push. We were all getting a little nervous at this point because during every contraction we watched the heart rate drop from 140 (normal child heart rate) to down in the 90's then the 60's. Once we got the go ahead from the doctor to start pushing, Teresa was all business. In three good pushes Simon was out. The problem with his heart rate was caused by the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.
So we are now a party of five. It is a little strange, but really nice.
Wonderful pictures - you're right, Simon looks a lot like Jamie. I am so happy to hear that you are all doing well, save for being a little tired. Tree is really one of the strongest people I have ever known - even so, I am still in awe that she was in labor so long with no drugs. Good for her! Give everyone my love.
How do you look that good after having a baby 3 days ago...NOT FAIR!!! He is beautiful and no pain Meds truley amazing...
I so agree with you Shawn...Have Fun who needs order...
Love You All!!!
What a great story and even better pictures. Simon is a precious little boy and I know his older siblings will love him deeply! I can't say it enough, Congratulations. You have such a beautiful family.
Wow, that is an amazing story! Thanks so much for the birthing story, I love to hear them. How incredible to labor and deliver with no pain meds!! Tree you are amazing! What a beautiful family.
Again, congrats to all of you! Simon is truely beautiful. Enjoy the choas for now. It won't be long before you are expected to have some organization!! lol Love to all, Aunt Joan
Ummm.. WHY does Teresa look so good?? Didn't she JUST have a baby??? How awesome for your little tribe that all is well... thinking of you lots, hope you get a lot of sleep! :)
Love the pics of the "new"family.
Teresa you look great!
Try to get some rest!
I am speechless, without words, I see such joy in all of your faces. You are so very blessed and congratulations!
So excited for you all. Preston is looking forward to having Simon as a penpal/email friend someday. Now I must go as he is eating my shirt (remember teething?)
Congrats to all and Tree, you really are a superwoman! Hope to see you all in the near future.
Gretchen, Steve, Wesley, & Preston
He is gorgeous. Wow.
Reading this post brought back really scary memories for me. Erik's cord was too long and wrapped around his chest twice. His heart rate kept crashing and I was forced to lie completely still for over 9 hours on pitocin, but nothing ever happened, and I never dilated. I wanted the experience they showed us in the videos at the hospital, but it didn't turn out that way and I ended up in surgery. I'm glad at least T got to have a little bit of the experience and that all is well. I have been thinking lots about her.
Enjoy EVERYTHING. It's such a special time that doesn't last long.
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