Thursday, November 08, 2007

Smart Boy

There are some days when I am exhausted by the end of the day (just some days??). Then there are other days when I am exhausted from the very beginning. One day recently, Simon was up for quite a chunk of time in the middle of the night (tooth #2 is cutting). After finally getting him back to sleep around 4am and drifting off myself, I was startled awake when my bedroom door opened at 5am. Shawn being out-of-town, I dimly registered that Jamie had announced he was "all done with sleeping" and ready "to watch a movie." I mumbled something that must have sounded like agreement because I found myself snoozing to the dinosaur sounds of Little Foot and Cera as the pillows next to me were rearranged again and again. It was not until later in the day when I was cleaning up my room that it came back to me that Jamie had also asked for something to eat during his movie. Again, I must have said something about helping himself in the pantry closet downstairs and opened his choice of food for him (since he cannot open most wrappers himself). It was only later, as I was sweeping crumbs off the bed and collecting wrappers, that I realized that Halloween candy and Nutter Butters were the breakfast of champions that morning.


Anonymous said...

What a funny story! Man, you were exhausted, huh?? I can understand completely, though! Hopefully the extra 'rest' refreshed you a little. Hugs to the super kids at your house, Aunt Joan

Heather said...

LOL! That is pretty funny! He is smart, knowing when Mommy is most vulnerable! Take care, Heather

Julie said...

You sound like me the weekend of my surgery. I don't remember anything. Scott would say stuff for a week later that we had talked about that weekend and I would say "what are you talking about". He finally gave up and realized the person he talked to then was a druggie. :)

Noel said...

That is too funny! My boys do the same thing they know when to ask and how to ask to get their way and I don't even realize I told them yes. Now, that I've caught on, they tend to ask when I'm on the phone or the computer because mom can't type and think at the same time!!
