Monday, March 23, 2009

LLL Article

While looking some stuff up online (mainly because Violet has thrush right now and she is my first baby to develop this), I stumbled across this article on the La Leche League website. Obviously I knew this piece existed because I wrote it and saw it published in New Beginnings magazine, but I was surprised it was on the Internet. It was neat to re-read my words of three years ago about the beginning of our journey with Clare from my breastfeeding perspective. (There's your warning about what the piece is about!)

Clare's Story


Dawn said...

I have a lot of respect for LLL. I had trouble nursing Sawyer after he was born and was an emotional mess because of it (little did we know about WS at the time). The women at LLL were very supportive and actual told me that if breastfeeding wasn't working out that there was nothing wrong with using a bottle or formula. Having someone at a LLL meeting tell me that really made me feel better about myself.

Great article! I hope you still write (other than the blog).

Aunt Joan said...

What a beautifully written story! I am certain that it gave courage and strength to more than one mommy going through a tough time. I pray that Violet (as well as her 'source') heals quickly, and nursing can continue without problems. Love to all...

Christina and Tee Jay said...

Now that I am a breast-feeding mom (and coincidentally today posted some words about a lovely nursing experience myself), this brought tears to my eyes. Breast-feeding has become a beautiful gift in my life, and I want you to know that you were my greatest inspiration in it. You're the reason that I thought, "I KNOW I can do this." Thank you, Tree!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize we had such a similar experience -- after Truman's surgery (which was for a tumor unrelated to WS, not his heart) he had a lot of trouble getting back to the breast. He had an NG tube for over a month, even when he came home. I was pumping, nursing, and tube feeding around the clock. And I was damn proud that he never got formula through any of that, considering I was killing myself doing it LOL. I know exactly what you were talking about with not holding her for a week ... sad memories. Congrats on getting that published.

Nancy said...

Breast feeding didn't work for us for long because of Erik's reflux (and screaming) and problems latching on leading to my mastitis (we had no idea why at the time). I was heartbroken when I had to stop after three grueling months of trying but glad that I had support from the medical community and my family. Otherwise, I would have been even more depressed. It's tied to so many emotions. You are so very lucky to have that bond with your children.