Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Clare's preschool held a fundraiser at Chuck E. Cheese last week. We were a little apprehensive about doing Chuck E. Cheese with four kids (I haven't been there since Clare was a baby), but it was for a good cause. Everyone had a blast (even Violet enjoyed watching the chaos around her from the safety of the Baby Bjorn). Clare was a little overwhelmed at first by the noise and craziness, but once she scoped out the situation, she enjoyed herself playing games with Shawn and Jamie. I was on Simon patrol and spent my time either watching him play on the toddler climbing gym and slide or putting tokens in the Teletubbies ride. What fun! Clare's teacher snapped some photos and sent us these two great ones. The top photo is our family eating dinner (yes, even Violet is eating!) and the bottom photo is Clare with her teachers, Miss Karin and Miss Pam. Clare loves her teachers and loves school so much. Her teachers are awesome and work so well with the kids. Their love of their job and the kids they teach shine through them. We have been so blessed with Clare's placement in the preschool.


alexish5 said...

Isn't it funny how babies know when the mommy is about to eat and decides to nurse at the same time! Maddie does that all the time too! It looks like you guys had a good time. I haven't been since I was a little girl.

Michelle said...

I looked at Clare in the bottom picture and thought it was Ari....OMG it freaked me out! I am so glad Clare loves school : )