even with the news that Clare needs to have another catheterization.
She had her sedated echo this morning. All went well with the actual echo and anesthesia process. Clare came home grumpy and sleepy, which is normal for her after waking up from anesthesia, and is now sleeping it off. Her aorta looks great and her overall blood pressures were good. However, the pressures on the right side of her heart were extremely high, which means that the pulmonary side of her heart is working overtime to get blood flow through. Which means that her pulmonary vessels have become quite narrowed again. So Clare needs to have those distal vessels balloon-dilated open again. Her cardiologist wants her in the cath lab within the next few weeks, so now we're waiting for Children's Hospital to call us to schedule that.
I am bummed for obvious reasons. I had a feeling this was coming and thought I was mentally prepared. But after the doctor went back into the recovery room, I burst into tears. I am still postpartum and hormonal
- that must be it! I do feel blessed that it has been 14 months since Clare last had a cath. No one expected her to go this long. Plus she has been doing so well with her development, and I know being cath-free has made that happen faster. (She went on her first bike ride with Shawn and Jamie the other day. Although she was not a fan of her helmet, she loved the ride and was all smiles! You can see her grinning away at me between the spaces in her seat.) No cath is fun, but I think this one will be a whole new ballgame since Clare is older and much more aware of what's going on. Plus I won't be able to stay in the hospital with her this time because I need to be with my nursing baby and he won't be welcome as an overnight guest! So Shawn will be the hospital parent this trip. It's going to be a new experience for us all.
I am bummed for obvious reasons. I had a feeling this was coming and thought I was mentally prepared. But after the doctor went back into the recovery room, I burst into tears. I am still postpartum and hormonal

Teresa - i love your positive attitude. This will be a new and different experience but not one that you will not get through with grace as you have all the other ones. We are all here for you and will help in any way possible. And please, cry all you want! Even if it is hormonal - give yourself that. You deserve it. And geez, ya think Clare liked that bike ride? LOL I'm not sure her smile or the smile in her eyes could get any bigger in that picture!
There is not much to add to what Katherine just said. You will all be in our prayers, and as said before, you wil survive- as you have always done. Love to all & cannot wait to meet Clare & Simon soon! Aunt Joan
Just catching up on your blog, and what a GREAT job you all do of keeping it updated! WOW! The mother's day tribute was beautiful. You're ability to stay positive and recognize the good in your life is very admirable! I wish you the best of luck with the upcoming cath. We'll be thinking of you.
And congrats on Simon, he's gorgeous!
Nikki, Hannah and Parker
Awwww, setbacks are so disappointing. Clare has a special place in my heart; she is my first little friend I met through Blogger. I pray that she sails through this next cath with flying colors. As for the crying...you deserve a good cry if anyone does. It's ok not to be a tower of strength all the time. Be good to yourself:)
Love, Kim
Oh Teresa! I don't know how you do it. It is hard for me to stay afloat and Daven is the only one I have to deal with. Not and older child and certainly not a newborn! At the very least, you deserve a good cry! I will be thinking about you lots during the next few weeks.
I loved the bike pictures! We were just talking about getting something like that for Daven. So cute!
How sucky, to put it bluntly. But to be honest, I was totally looking at the fact she has gone 14 months without one... that's GREAT!! She is growing and you can't beat her progress. She's such a little trooper :)
If I was completely hormone-less, I would still have a good cry in that situation. Crying is the pressure valve we need sometimes. You are doing great, as always, and will be in my prayers, as always.
I love the new photos!
Cry all you want...you are allowed to feel however you want too. I am glad that it has been 14 months since the last cath..that really is great...but I know what you mean about it sneaking up on you when you really would rather not deal with it. You have so much on your plate with a new baby and two more! I love the video of the most recent entry too!! Clare is too cute!
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