S~ Clare, today you turn three years old, and your mom and I could not be more proud of you. I remember when you were born and we found out you had Williams syndrome, so many things went through my head. I was nervous about what the future would hold for you, scared that you would not make it to see that future. I was selfishly disappointed that your mom and I would not have our golden years just the two of us, and I wondered how we would

be able to raise a daughter with special needs. Now after three years, none of that matters. The only things that do matter are the little kisses you shower me with, the way you run to me, arms held out and yelling "Daddy" when I walk into the room. How you make everyone laugh with your silliness. You truly define your name of a light that fills the room.
I look back at all my fears and worries when you were born and, looking at all you have gone through since then, well, those fears all seem a little foolish. Your

mom and I thank you for making us better people and a better couple. You have strengthened our marriage in ways we would have not been able to without you. You
have forced us to know how to be strong in tough situations and to take life on a day-to-day business. So, on your third birthday, Clare, we thank you for all the gifts you have given us and those you come in contact with... We love you, Clare Bear!
Happy Happy Birthday Clare!!!
Oh that was just beautiful!
What a great daddy letter.
Happy Birthday Clare!
Happy Birthday to a simply beautiful little girl!! It is a great birthday to have...!:)
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Clare!
P.S.--Michaela says "that cake looks really yummy!"
Shawn - Remembering back to those days filled with 'questions', I recall a column from Erma Bombeck that Clare's GrandDad posted. I have always believed that when God was sending out those 'special' babies, He knew this daddy was very special, too. You and Teresa are a true inspiration to us all. May God bless all of us with many more years to enjoy such a wonderful little girl. Happy Birthday, Miss Clare!! Love, your Great Aunt Joan
I LOVED that post. What a lovely tribute to Clare :) Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Clare!! You made me tear up when I read about you taking her to school today. Don't feel to guilty about worrying about your golden years alone. Those same thoughts went through my head when we first found out.
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