Tuesday, March 25, 2008


All is quiet on the homefront here lately. Well, relatively so. We hosted a small Easter dinner (as compared to past years) on Sunday. Saturday was spent cleaning the house, making food, and coloring Easter eggs. Clare got in on the fun this year. She was fascinated by the idea of coloring eggs. She colored one, then discovered that cracking and peeling was more fun. We gave her her own bowl of yellow dye and let her do what she wanted. I think she's the first person to dye scrambled eggs. It was a pretty disgusting mess. Due to the mounds of snow in our yard, we held our Easter egg hunt inside for the second year in a row. The kids didn't mind, though, and Jamie easily found half of the eggs. (All those hours spent doing I-Spy books, that kid could find the needle in the haystack.)

I received a call from Clare's endocrinologist this morning informing me that Clare has flunked her six-week trial off her thyroid medication. Her TSH levels (thyroid-stimulating hormone) were too high, so she is back on her medication. The doctor called at 7:30am (one reason why I love Clare's endo is that he makes the phone calls in person - no nurse or secretary relaying information), and I was still working on actually waking up, so I didn't ask a lot of questions. I know in Jamie's case, once he failed the trial off medication, we were told he would need it for the rest of his life. I assume this will be the case with Clare as well. Shawn and I have noticed that Clare has seemed more tired and irritable lately. At first we thought it might be her heart, but once that was cleared, her cardiologist pointed out that it might be symptoms of hypothyroidism since she has been off her medication. Now that we know Clare needs to be on her medication, maybe she was starting to display symptoms.

We are in the last days before Clare starts school. I really don't know what to think. Part of me is excited for her. This is such a big milestone. I truly think that school will do wonders with Clare and that she will thrive. I also know it will be a huge adjustment. The boys take swim classes on Tuesday, and Clare plays in the childwatch room for an hour while we swim. She always does great in the room and enjoys it. But she is always so happy to see me when I pick her up - I get kisses and big hugs. I wonder how she will do with two and a half hours away from us. We have our school visit on Friday to bring Clare into the classroom. Then the big day is on Monday, her third birthday. Clare really has grown up so much over this past year - walking, talking, so much more independent. She has gone from being my baby to being a big girl. Not a toddler anymore, but a preschooler. Okay, I have to stop before I start crying!

When I get the chance to find my camera, I will upload some Easter pics.


Christina and Tee Jay said...

Remember all those "hopelines" you set for when she might walk? And then one would pass by and you'd set another. But all of the sudden, Clare just TOOK OFF!!! I think (and pray) that she'll end up doing to same at school. She's so beautiful and such a people-person... she's bound to thrive!

camille said...

Clare is doing so so well, I agree with you, she'll thrive in preschool. I can't wait to hear all about it, as we'll be going through that transition in September. Keep us posted!!

Julie said...

I can't wait to hear all about her first day. Trust me it will definitely be harder on you than her.

Laura said...

Maybe Jamie and Michaela could give Aaron a lesson in egg hunting!lol....

I am so excited for Clare, I'm sure she will just LOVE school. It was the best thing for Michaela.
Can't wait to hear how you all do.

Nichole Fisher said...

I'm sure Clare will love school. I can't wait to hear how it goes.

Michelle said...

Clare is going to love school! She is going to soar!

Aunt Joan said...

I am so excited for Clare! She really has soared this past year. Three is such an exciting, and trying, stage for 'kids'. I believe she will do great in school. It may be difficult at first (for ALL of you), but she will catch on quickly, and shine! I do have to agree that she may be the first scrambled-egg-dyer ever!! Can't wait to see the pics! Love to all, Aunt Joan

Tara said...

I noticed such a different in Payton when she started preschool - she really took off by being around the other kids. I can't wait to hear an update on how it goes! (and how you're handling it!).

Noel said...

I hope that everything goes well on Monday. I hope that you do okay handling it. Just think for a couple hours you get Simon all to yourself! He will love it!!


Amy said...

I have really bad news for you...I bet she won't even notice you're missing for 2.5 hours cuz she will be learning and having fun!!!

Take lots of pictures of her first day, and add in extra time that first morning for quiet crying in the corner, in the car, in the hallway of school, etc.
Love ya,