Simon, that is. He has suffered from clogged tear ducts since birth (in fact, all of my children have had these). But while Jamie's and Clare's cleared up by nine months, and Simon's left eye cleared up, his right eye is still clogged. At his one-year check-up, the pediatrician referred us to the pediatric opthamologist. Now, at almost 14 months old, Simon's eye still is gunky every day. He has battled numerous eye infections, which has led to skin infections under his eye. Simon had his appointment with the eye doctor this week, and we are now scheduled for eye surgery next month. It is a quick procedure to probe and open the tear duct, but my baby still has to go under general anesthesia for it. And, even though we have been there, done that for more serious reasons, it still is not easy to think that your child is having surgery for any reason. But if this does the trick, then Simon's eyes will be beautiful and junk-free once and for all!
Any 'operation' is reason for concern ~ especially when it is your child! Simon will be in our thoughts and prayers, as well as Mommy. Keep us posted, as usual! Give all of them a big hug and kiss from me, please??
GREAT Aunt Joan
He will be in my prayers, as will you and Shawn.
I love the new pictures, they're precious! He is growing up so fast. Please give the kids a hug and kiss for me. Love you all!
Auntie Becky
I do love the new pictures of Simon. He is very cute...ya just want to pick him up and snuggle away!
I will be thinkin gof you. Any surgery is scary.
What a cute little man. I can't decide who he looks more like. We will be sure to keep him in our prayers...as you said any surgery can be scary.
His eyes might be gunk-less after the surgery, but they've always been beautiful. And what great pictures . . . I just love his smile. Ditto on the prayers and you are often in our thoughts!
Gretchen, Steve, Wesley, & Preston
Oh, my little "Simey Joe" (as Auntie Erin termed you) - Uncle Tee Jay and I love, love, love you! And we know you'll do excellently - especially with such a wonderful big brother and sister to make you smile!
aww Poor Simon. Beautiful pics!
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