Simon turned 15 months old on August 1. Where did my baby go? Jamie and Clare were both a few months older when I became pregnant with the next child, so I was totally with it during their transition from baby to toddler (as in not completely fatigued and feeling like I got hit by a semi every day). (Okay, Clare more made this transition over the age of 2, so Simon was already born, and I was almost fully functioning again!) But with Simon, I feel as if I completely missed the day when he decided that he was no longer a baby. I am sure I was in the bathroom during this point, but I wish someone had told me it was coming, because I would have popped my head out for a little bit at least.
We have two words to describe Simon in our house - "sweetness" and "trouble." He is the sweetest baby. He loves to crawl up to me and lay his head on my leg. He loves to cuddle and snuggle and has the brightest smile. It stretc
hes from ear to ear, displaying all eight of his shiny little teeth. He throws his head back when he laughs and loves to be involved in all that Jamie and Clare do, much to their frequent dismay - I hear lots of "no, baby" (from Clare) and "no, bubba" (from Jamie). However, (a BIG however!) Simon is definitely a mischief-maker. Although he does not walk yet (thank goodness because I truly fear that day), he is a fast crawler and is starting to become a fast cruiser as well. More frightening, though, Simon is a climber. In and out of the bathtub. Up the stairs (but has not figured out down except by lunging, so he has fallen down the stairs 3 or 4 times already - no serious injuries yet!). Climbs onto toys to get on top of other toys. One day, at the pediatrician's, Simon was safely strapped (or so I thought) into the double stroller, which was parked next to the examination table. I was helping Clare with something, and when I turned around, Simon was sitting on top of the table. I am kind of glad I missed how he was able to crawl out of his buckles and climb onto the table. He sat there, so proud of himself, with his trademark grin.
Simon is definitely making his mark as the third child (following in the footsteps of some other third children in our family!). Independent, strong-willed, determined, and as sweet as can be.
Don't forget "adorable". He's too cute for his own good!
Must be a third child thing...because you pretty much just described Rebekah!!
He is just so cute. I got such a kick out of watching him on the stairs, especially the huge smile on his face when he thought no one was watching and he was getting away with it!
He is such a cutie pie - his little giggle just melts my heart. All of your children are wonderful. Jamie is so considerate and really wants to know and learn. Clare is just a sweetheart. She can call me Nikki anytime she wants :) I'm so happy I had the chance to come spend time with you all while I was home.
Your children are just too cute! I can't wait to see you at the end of the month! I hope you don't mind a tour guide to Lady Liberty. :-)
I am not sure if it is a "third child" thing or not, but he is ALL boy! We tend to let our gard down a little, and they know it! Try to enjoy what is left of his baby-hood! lol They are all too precious for words. Love to all, Aunt Joan
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