Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Positive FISH Test

We learned today that Clare's FISH test came back positive. This means she definitely has Williams Syndrome. We already knew she did even without this confirmation, but I still have moments when I look at her and think that maybe it was a mistake. She looks so normal and healthy. Then we would get a call from one of her doctor's about something, and I would be brought back to reality that Clare is going to be (or is) a special needs child.

Shawn told someone at work the other day that he had a daughter with a disability. It was the first time he said it, and he said that was very hard for him. It's hard for us all. At church this past Sunday, we were chatting with a lady we were acquainted with, but didn't know very well. She was cooing over Clare, and said, "I can't see either of you in her. Who does she look like? She doesn't look like either of you!" We did not tell her why Clare did not look like us or Jamie. We are not ashamed of it, but I did not feel it was the time to go into a long monologue about Williams Syndrome with a relative stranger. I have a feeling there are going to be many instances in the future when someone says something about Clare, and we just smile and make no comment. Or should we make a comment? I don't know. Maybe it's still just so new to us.

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