Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Crazy House

We live in a crazy house. I am sure all mothers of young children (and maybe all mothers?) say that! But we honestly live in a crazy house sometimes! Our craziness is increasingly crazy these days because we are selling our house (actually sold yesterday - whoo hooo!) and, thus, moving. Plus we're getting ready to go back to Boston next week for Clare's catheterization. Add to that Shawn being out of town for a couple days, and we were truly crazy today!

Today was a good crazy, though. We definitely have our bad crazy days (umm... yesterday with a very tired, whiney, grumpy, tantrum-prone 3-year old), but today was one of those days that get chalked up to being a good day. Nothing special happened. But both Jamie and Clare were in such good moods all day. We were silly and relaxed. Right before bed, I was getting Clare's room ready, so I put her in the crib to keep her safe while I did that. However, she really wasn't safe from the antics of her crazy brother. Jamie came in to inform me that he was "playing with Clare" and "sharing his animals with her." I told him that was wonderful and then thought I better go see what he meant. And this is what I found! Only Clare's face was visible under all the animals. But she was grinning away at her brother! I love the crazy. Sometimes it drives me crazy, but I wouldn't change it for the world!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully crazy household you are running there! I am so thrilled that the everyday antics of a 3 year old clown and his silly baby sister haven't changed even with the confusion of everyday life, plus! Congrats on your sold-house, and may life continue to be so good to you!
love, Joan

Sara said...

Crazy houses are the most FUN! I'm so glad you keep your camera handy. Those are great pictures.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of Clare!!