Thursday, February 09, 2006

Our Little Patient

Clare is a little better today. She was so grumpy, clingy, and tired all day yesterday. Shawn took her to the pediatrician's yesterday afternoon (he is such a good husband - Jamie was napping, so he said he would take Clare so I could rest, too), and it turns out Clare also has an ear infection. She is on antibiotics for her ear infection. Her cough is less croupy, but still bad, and we had a rough night. But she is definitely feeling better today and is on the mend.

We heard from the hospital, and Clare's cath is scheduled for March 8. Other than being sick right now, she has been doing so well at home again. It's been a wonderful three months (since her surgery) to watch her grow and develop her skills. She sits more independently now, talks, eats better, and is more interactive. Clare is such a sweet, happy girl!


Anonymous said...

Praise the good Lord! Clare shall continue to flourish. I am glad to hear she is feeling better today. These 'normal' childhood upsets must seem minor to you "medical pros"! Seriously, I wish everyone well, Aunt Joan

Anonymous said...

Ah, when it rains it pours. Poor little thing. It never seems fair that they can get sick like that. On the other hand it is kind of nice to have them all snuggly and cuddly. That part goes away much too soon!!