Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Good Session

Clare had an awesome occupational therapy session this morning. I feel like we swing back and forth between her medical status and her developmental status. Right now, we're coming to another interventional point in her medical status, but developmentally, she is doing some great stuff. That's what keeps us going sometimes!

Clare is sitting independently more and more. She is starting to balance herself when she teeters and is even reaching for toys while sitting. We have been playing a rolling game with Clare. She knows how to roll, but rarely does it. So we roll her across the floor in one direction, then roll her back in the other direction. At first, she protested this "game," but now she will roll willingly when we start her since she knows what to expect. She is also becoming stronger when weight-bearing on her legs, and is bringing her hands to together to bang toys (next comes clapping!). Her therapist has noticed a decided head tilt over the last month which is getting worse. We have to keep exercising and strengthening her neck muscles, so she doesn't develop any tightness in one side. So far, she has not, so hopefully we can keep it that way. That's the great thing about therapy - we can catch these things before they develop into a full-blown issue.


Sara said...

Way to go Clare! She sounds like such a personality; can't wait to meet her. Love, Sara

Anonymous said...

Keep working, Clare, you will far exceed everyone's (except Momma) expectations! Good job, Teresa & Shawn, you keep Clare strong!
love ya, Joan