If it goes quack it must be a duck. And if the sound "du" comes out of your sweet 15-month old's mouth while she's triumphantly holding her two rubber duckies in the air, it must be the word "duck." Right?
Clare's "vocabulary" seems to be taking off now. She was our quiet baby for so long (as opposed to Jamie who has been talking non-stop since he was born!). Now she's quite the chatterer. The majority of it makes no sense, but Clare throws in the occasional "yeah" or "hi" every once in a while. We have been working on animal names and sounds lately. She doesn't repeat any to us, but I continue plugging away because one day she is going to surprise me. And I swear she said duck during her bath tonight. Also, while Shawn was setting up Jamie's bath, I was holding Clare to say good night to him. She leaned over for Shawn and said to him, "Da da." Clear as day. How sweet!
Clare also experienced a rite of passage, at least in our household, as you can see in the photo. A couple nights ago, in desperation of getting 15 minutes to finish dinner without h

olding Clare (who has been a tad on the grumpy side these days - we're thinking those bottom teeth?), I put her in the Bumbo seat and opened up Jamie's kitchen drawer. I thought she would enjoy taking the cups and bowls out. What I forgot was also in that drawer was the big box of 100 colored straws. And did she have fun! I have photos of Jamie doing the same thing to the same box of straws. (Well, not the same straws, but the box has not changed since Jamie was Clare's age.) The box of straws kept Clare happy for a long time. And it didn't take THAT long to clean it up. So when Miss Grumpy was also Miss Clingy right before dinner tonight? Out came the box of straws and 15 minutes of peace.
We are all so excited to hear daily of all of the wonderful things Clare is coming up with! As the Grandma of a non-stop chatterbox, I am glad someone else is getting an earfull! Love to all of you, Aunt Joan
Daven loves straws too! HA! I just love her big smile. And way to go with all the new words. I anxiously await Daven's first words. Nope, still no words from my little one. So way to go!
It's great to hear about all of Clare's progress and I must say that I am very happy that you will soon be blessed with 2 of your own little kidos talking non stop. Two is definately better than 1. :-) I love the pictures.
Love ya
That's so GREAT!! You must have been freaking out, I know I would have been!
Your consistently chatting away to her is the reason for this... congrats!
That's it. I'm going to the store to buy straws right NOW. The photo is so sweet that it made me giggle out loud.
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