And apparently so does Jamie. He was such a big helper this year - helping me with the branches on the tree and helping me string the lights. By the time we got to hanging ornaments, he was a Christmas tree expert. The cute thing was he kept telling me how he loves these days - when we put up Christma

I think even Clare loves these days, or at least she loves the soft St. Joseph from the kids' nativity set (she takes after her old man after all). Clare was mesmerized by all the lights on the tree and just sat watching it.
After the kids were in bed, I sat in the living room with all the lights out, except for the Christmas tree, and thought how much I love these days. Not just the days leading up to Christmas, but the days when my son wants to help me with everything I do, and my daughter is content to give everything a big old squishy hug.

Shawn - What a sweet blog! I also think that the Christmas tree lighted in the darkness is so awesome. I am so glad that these days are Jamie's favorite ones! This is what childhood memories are made of. You and Teresa are such wonderful parents! Love to all, Aunt Joan
Shawn, I just love it when you post. We are also big Christmas people. It is just such a magical time of year.
Thanks for updating! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Can you tell my husband it is time for the tree!!!! I am so jealous it looks great
Shawn, you do a beautiful job "blogging" like Tree. Keep it up! I am so glad to hear that the blog will keep going, even though it's focus may change from time to time.
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