We had a small birthday party for Clare today - just our family and the children's godparents. Clare is easily overwhelmed by a lot of noise and people, so we wanted to keep it low-key. On Friday, our playgroup got together and they had a present and cupcakes for Clare. All the kids wanted to sing "Happy Birthday" to Clare, but I explained that it scared her (Clare hates "Happy Birthday" and "Rock-A-Bye Baby"), so they whispered it instead. Very cute!
So I knew today that singing would be off-limits. This morning, I came into the living room

with the video camera to capture our newly-turned-two-year-old on film. As I came in, I said, "Happy Birthday, Clare!" in a nice, bright, chipper voice. Apparently it was too much like singing for her because Clare burst into tears. It took a little while to calm her down after that! Poor kiddo! I am glad we made the decision to keep Clare's party small because she enjoyed every minute of it, but was getting overstimulated by the end. (As was I, but at least I can handle it better!) I wanted Clare to have fun at her party, not be scared. There was nothing fancy - just pizza, cupcakes, and our closest loved ones. That's all that really matters anyway. And tons and tons of presents! Clare loves to unwrap presents

and was eyeing the big pile of gifts throughout the party. She was ecstatic when it came time for her to open them and look at all her new goodies. She had a little competition from the other children at the party, but her newest word is "mine," so she used it often! It's nice to see your child being feisty and sticking up for herself, especially since it's easy for Clare to get walked over (both literally and figuratively) because she cannot crawl or walk.
It was a gorgeous day, and we provided bubbles for all the kids (one of Clare's favorite

activities), so it was heavenly to spend time outside enjoying the spring sunshine, the swingset, and the bubbles. I love having parties at our house. It is so comfy to have your home filled with laughter and love. We are very blessed to be surrounded by both in abundance. Clare had a wonderful birthday.
I have a little mental list that I am checking off as events happen (Clare's birthday, Easter, that kind of stuff). I am due in five weeks and that seems like an eternity away sometimes. But as we reach events on my checklist, I cannot believe I am ONLY five weeks away! My baby is now two years old, so we are getting closer and closer to welcoming our new baby.
5 weeks wow the time really flew...for me anyway I bet it was not as fast for you...I am glad you had a good B-day party I think she already looks older in pictures :) Love Ya ;)
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Claaarrrre, happy birthday to yooouuuuuu! I thought the song in writing may not be as scarey for you! If I had sung it, everyone would be scared! I am so glad you enjoyed your BIG day. Love to all, GREAT Aunt Joan (& family, too)
What adorable pics! I love her grinning away at the cupcake... our kids will not have to worry about eating too many cupcakes! :)
Happy Birthday, precious girl!
Sounds like your day was perfect. I love the picture of Clare licking frosting off her finger. So cute!
Love, Kim
The first time Erik heard "Happy Birthday" sung to his friend, he said "Happy day! Happy day!" If he was there with Clare for her big day, I'm sure he would have wished her a very happy day.
Great photos!
Happy Birthday Sweet Clare!! Looks like you guys had a wonderful party!! I agree with Lisa, she totally looks older. Where does the time go...
Teresa the pictures are beautiful! She looks like such a big girl. After all she is now TWO! Happy Birthday Clare and sorry I missed it.
Happy Birthday Clare! Clare is so cute! Abi's favorite part of presents is the paper too!
( I keep checking your blog waiting to hear about the new baby...I am excited for you...I LOVE babies, guess that's why I have 4)
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