* We went from calling you Mr. Serious to calling you Mr. Smiley.
* Your hair changed from jet black to a light reddish-blondish-brown.
* Your soft coos transformed into wild shrieks and big belly laughs.
* We went from snuggling our peaceful bundle of a newborn to trying to hold down a giggling, squirmy boy during diaper changes.
* You grew a whole year older.

Happy 1st Birthday, Simon! You fill our lives with much love and laughter. We cannot imagine our world without you. Your first year of life has truly been a joy. In many ways, you brought our family back to normal. We love you, sweet baby birthday boy!
aww Happy Birthday Simon. He is exactly 1 month older than Keira!!! She turned 11 months today. It goes by so fast- tanya v
Happy Birthday! I love his big smile!
Happy Birthday Simon! I cannot believe its been a year already.
Happy Birthday you little cute.
What a cutie patootie - I still think he looks like a little accountant :)
Happy Birthday, Simon!! We miss you and want you to have a wonderful celebration this weekend! Love to everyone, Aunt Joan & Uncle Steve & gang
Happy Birthday Simon!!
He's just adorable.
Happy Birthday Simon...a whole year old!!! :)
I know I'm pms-ing, but something about a baby's first birthday always brings tears to my eyes! Especially along with a gorgeous photo of an especially cute little guy to go along with it...
Glad you guys are back into routine. I always know how much smoother life is, especially for Caleb, when we are in our normal routine with NO surprises.
years passe way to fast, hold him tight that precious boy, love the picture!
Happy Birthday Simon!
Simon look how big you are, Happy Birthday! He is beautiful.
Happy Birthday Simon!!! You brighten the day with your big smiles. It's hard to believe your already a year old. I love you very much little man.
Auntie Becky
Happy Birthday, beautiful boy!
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