As we checked into labor and delivery at 7:30am, the nurse informed us that we should have received a phone call postponing the induction since the L&D floor was full. I almost lost it then. There was no way I was going back home. My baby was coming out TODAY! Once the nurse realized I was nine days overdue, they set me up in a teensy curtained area in pre-op. There was barely any room for Shawn to sit never mind the four anxious grandparents milling around. I refused to let my OB break my water in that little space, but the Pitocin was started, and the induction officially began. What a crazy day! (As if any labor and delivery is not crazy!) Things went slowly, I finally was transferred to a real room with a real door that closes and a real bed. I kept making progress, but slowly. I was at 7cm for what seemed like days and days and days. But I kept telling everyo
I fell in love that day with my first baby girl. The nurses could not get your temperature up even under warmer lights, so I begged to hold you skin-to-skin and nurse you. We cuddled under the blankets, you latched on as if you had been nursi
When I think back, I wish I could hold on to those 16 hours of ignorant bliss forever. When our two-year old son came to the hospital the following morning to meet his baby sister. When I thought over and over what a perfect little family of four we had become. When I could not believe I had been so blessed with a gorgeous son and daughter. When all was right in my little world, and I felt so much at peace.
Then we heard the words "she has a heart murmur." And bigger, scarier words were thrown around - pediatric cardiologist, echocardiogram, pulmonary valve stenosis, congestive heart failure, sudden death. Over the next few days, then weeks, our entire world was turned upside down by what is now an everyday part of our life - Williams syndrome and congenital heart defects.
But there is a happy ending. Because we have you, Clare Bear. We have had your beautiful, loving, joyful person in our lives for six years now. I would walk this road all over again. How could I wish it otherwise when it would mean I would not have you? I love you so much, my sweet girl. Happy Birthday!
happy birthday Clare..we are so blessed to know you and watch you grow. Please thank your mama for making me cry with her blog post today :) Wishing your year 6 to be an amazing one!
Happy Birthday Clare!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet, Sweet Clare! I never thought to ask - I never realized the timing- when you arrived at the hospital! Drew was born a little before 7AM- and cried like a banshe for an hour straight- so if you heard a newborn crying when you first arrived- it was my Drew!
What a beautiful story you have told. What a blessing...
What a beautiful birth story! Clare you have always amazed everyone, and will continue to do so! We all love and miss you, sweet girl! Happy Birthday, big girl! Love, Great Aunt Joan & Great Uncle Steve
happy birthday Clare :) !!!!
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