Clare played in the ball pit, on the swings, went down the slide (her new love at the playground), and rocked in a rocking train. She worked hard for the entire hour, something she usually does not do. It was also easier for Jessica to do some crawling exercises with Clare because Jessica could help Clare move across the mats much more easily than across our carpet at home. The definite consensus was that Clare is going to do an hour every other week in the sensory room. The alternating weeks, Jessica will come out to the house and work on fine motor skills. We are still waiting for the PT to start with Clare as well - hopefully soon!
what a cute picture it looks like a very fun place. Can adults play there too.
Just got home a bit ago...so glad I hate sleeping on the ped floor.
Sounds like a very productive day, and wishes for continued success with the therapy. Love to all, Aunt Joan
How cool... before Brady I would never even think there would be a place called the sensory room. BTW, part of your post is covered... maybe from the picture?
Love -K
What a great picture!It looks like she is having an amazing time! You are lucky to have such great facilities at your fingertips.
Give her a big kiss from us.
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