Well, we hope so! We saw Clare's endocrinologist yesterday for her regular 3-month follow-up. All her endocrine things are doing well (calcium, thyroid, that stuff), so his concern was for her lack of eating. As he put it, the best advice he had for us was to "feed her more." Of course, he added, that was also the most useless advice, like telling someone, "Don't scratch." Since all her pokes and prods have come up with nothing medically, he wants to start her on an appetite stimulant. He asked when our next GI appointment was and, upon hearing it is not until March (I didn't get into how we weren't terribly thrilled with the GI at the moment anyway), he said he could start her on the appetite stimulant immediately.
Clare received her first dose this morning, so hopefully she will get the munchies soon! We should know within a week whether it has any effect on her eating.
S~I had to add this, our weight goal is for her to fit into those sunglasses!
Shawn - I think it would detract something if they actually fit her!! Good luck with the new med. Clare and I are on the opposite end of the problem with the desire to eat/not eat! Love to all, Joan
Those glasses are great!!!! Eat up Clare!!!
I hope it works - good luck! We'll be praying for the munchies!
Clare looks so dang good in accessories. She can pull ANYTHING off!!!! Lucky girl!
Bon appetit, beautiful Clare...soon you will know how wonderful food can be again.
I have my fingers crossed!
Oh good luck! If that works, I might talk to Daven's doctor about it. Hum...maybe this is the answer to ALL our prayers. HA!
Feed her more... funny...maybe the doc should try to push through this advice personally :))))
Love this new pic of miss blue-glass :DDDDDDDD
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