Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Toilet Scrubbers

Brady's mom, Kerry (see sidebar) posted about friends a couple months ago and a catch phrase her brother-in-law asked her when discussing a friend was, "Is she the type of friend who would come over and scrub your toilet for you?" Which got her thinking, which got me thinking. Do I have those friends who will scrub my toilet? And not because I am tired, hormonal, and seven months pregnant either! But those true friends who are there for you through thick and thin, the good times and bad times. Who love you even when you always have a bad hair day, are cranky and rundown, or whine too much (especially on her blog!). I talked about feeling alone sometimes in my group of friends, and I admit I do sometimes. It's natural. I am sure there are times when everyone feels like the outsider at some point or another. But all of those particular friends have reached out to me, especially after I admitted my feelings, and have asked what can they do to help. You guys have already done so much for me. You were all there making meals for me after Clare was born. You were all there taking Jamie and making more meals when Clare was in the hospital. You are all there whenever I need to talk. You are all there to marvel at Clare's triumphs, share in our joy, and stand by me during the down times. You never judge me, but accept and support me. And, I believe, you would all scrub my toilet for me (or at least send your cleaning lady over... ha ha ha!).

So you know who you are... thank you for being my toilet scrubbers! (And, just so you know, I would scrub your toilet, too. Just don't ask me until this pregnancy is over.)


Kerry said...

I believe you are a very lucky girl, dear Teresa, because I know how many toilet-scrubbers you probably have in your life! I know you do because you are such a wonderful and caring person. I am sure you would be a scrubber too... I will stop by after the luncheon and do just that for you as well! :)

Love -Kerry

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely scrub your toilet - but may I get the same reprieve? After August/September and our #3 arrives? LOL! In the mean time I'd be happy to send "The Cleaning Authority" your way! ;)
You're an awesome friend Teresa!! And we just adore your family and just want our relationships to keep building and getting stronger for many years and many children to come!

Kati said...

You are so beautiful on the last pic!!! :)))))
You are lucky that you have so many toilet-scrubbers!!! I can count on my right hand how many scrubbers I have.... maybe I have more, just they don't know if I need it :))))) I really try not to show if I am on the ground, as Superchick say: If she cries that first tear The tears will not stop raining down
Love you, kati

Anonymous said...

Teresa - You are very fortunate to have been blessed with such endearing friendships. However, luck really doesn't have much to do with it, you know? We have to work on our friendships, and I am certain that you are a most treasured friend to have them return the love! May all of your (as well as your friends) toilets be spotless, your days be sunny, and your bonds grow stronger every day! Love, Joan

Lisa said...

Like i told Kerry I love you to death and would do lots of things but I do not do toilets...I'll send Elsa over if you want :) You do look terrific preg by the way :)

Anonymous said...

Well if I must, I would be happy to do toilets! However, when I get pregnant...I expect you to do the same in return. HAHA!

Love you dearly!