Bad moods, crying spells, catatonic phases (just kidding)....
Maybe it's from lugging this around! And I still have 11+ weeks to go!
I forgot to add moments of sheer joy, feeling those internal baby gymnastics, unexpected hugs and kisses on my belly from Jamie, washing, folding, and organizing those teeny tiny baby clothes. It truly is all worth it, even through the bad days. Even though I feel like an elephant. Even though heartburn, back aches, and leg cramps are my daily companions. Even though it is a feat to bend over to tie my own shoes, never mind tie Jamie's shoes, tie Clare's shoes, button winter jackets, heft the diaper bag, load preschooler and toddler into the car day after day after day. Shawn has taken over giving baths, scooping litter boxes, hefting laundry up and down stairs. It's all worth it.
How GORGEOUS (and young) are you?
I love it! Pregnancy was bliss!
Oh my... you look AWESOME! :)
I have to say, this pregnancy has gone quite fast for me ;)
Teresa - You look mauv-e-lous!! We all understand the complex forces (ok, we don't really understand it, but we get it!) of pregnancy. You are dealing well, and throw into that a toodler & a pre-schooler.................! AND, someone I know will be 30 real soon???? Enough said! Love to all, Aunt Joan & gang
i can't believe you only have 11+ weeks to go! you look so beautiful. i hope the next 11 weeks are good to you, especially as you approach the '3-0'. i feel confident teasing you about that as i am not that far behind you!
Now this is seriously the 'biggest' you've looked in my eyes! I always look at you and think 'geez she's so tiny! totally this cute little belly - how is that fair?' Not saying you don't look AWESOME in this picture - because you do! It's nice to finally see that 7 month belly of yours and it looks fabulous!
You look absolutely beautiful!! There is nothing more stunning than a pregnant belly.
I'm sorry I never got to respond to your last post. I had my husband read it as well because you are just spot on with your descriptions and emotions. I am sometimes overwelmed with sadness especially when we are around other "typical" kids. Brian and I always talk how we do so much better in our own little safe world. Please know that I too have many of those same emotions and can relate very much. Take care, Teresa!!
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