Friday, March 24, 2006

House of Plague

The dreaded "bug" that has been sweeping the country (okay, at least southern NH, as far as I know) has hit this household. Officially as of 10pm last night when Jamie woke up vomiting, we became one sick house. Then Clare started up this morning. Oh, it's so not fun when the kiddos are sick - especially at the same time.

I had naively hoped we had avoided this bug because we were in Boston at the hospital when most of our friends were down with it. After discussing this with one of my friends yesterday (whose family was hit a couple weeks ago), when Jamie and I said bedtime prayers together last night, I specifically thanked God that both Jamie and Clare were healthy and strong. With Clare just coming home from the hospital, packing and moving, and getting ready for Clare's birthday, I was so grateful we had missed this particular stomach virus because I didn't think I could handle the added stress. Well, apparently, I am about to find out!

So far, we have done seven loads of laundry. Every pair of my pants were either pooped on or vomited on. (Lovely, I know!) It was a great excuse to wear my pajamas for most of the day. The big kicker is that all our extra bedding and clothing is packed! After the first incident last night when Jamie's toddler bedding needed to be changed, I found some twin sheets that had resided in a garbage bag in our crawl space for the entire five years we've lived in this house. I am not sure how clean they were, but we were desperate. Then when those got soiled, we took the sheet from Clare's crib and found an old blanket to go with it for Jamie. The poor kid! And poor Clare - she ended up sleeping back in the playpen in our room, and I went without a pillow so Jamie could have mine.

We are a little concerned about Clare because she is so little, and we do not want her to become dehydrated. It's very crucial for her narrowed blood vessels that she stays well hydrated. So we are watching her closely. Jamie, on the other hand, seems to be doing much better today (especially since he is in Hour 4 of his nap). I am now praying that Shawn and I escape the bug. Or, if we don't, that it comes and goes quickly so we can get back to life and packing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending you lots of prayers for a quick recovery, and to remain sane through out it all! love, Joan