Saturday, June 02, 2007

Another Day Here

I am not going to get to post from home after all. They are keeping Clare for at least another night. She is doing great off her breathing tube, but is very puffy. The doctors don't know if she is retaining fluid or if she is puffy from some congestion around her heart. So they want to keep her on Lasix overnight to get rid of some of that fluid. I would write more but Shawn just informed me that they are transferring Clare out of the ICU and Simon is screaming in the stroller!


Nancy said...

Thank you so much for the updates. We are all waiting right along with you and are praying very hard for Clare and your family.

Noel said...

Thank you for the updates from wherever you get to do them. I have been so worried about all of you. I am glad to hear Clare is going ot the floor at least..I know it's not home but it is better than the ICU.

Praying hard for you!