We all survived! Actually, Clare did incredible on her first day of preschool. As we truly knew in our hearts that she would. As Shawn posted earlier, we all brought her to the door, gave hugs and kisses, then Clare trustingly walked off with Miss Karin, one of her classroom aides. That was almost as hard as handing Clare over to the doctors before one of her caths. We've been talking with Clare daily about going to school, but I am not sure how much she actually gets what it is all about. When Miss Karin held out her hand to Clare, Clare took it without question and walked away with her. She waved good-bye and blew a kiss, but then did not look back. Which is how I want it. I don't want to think of Clare crying, miserable, scared to go to school. But it does make my heart ache a little that she was so trusting and willing to go with so

meone she only met the day before for 20 minutes. That's the nature of her personality.
Yes, I did start crying as we were walking back to the cars. I knew she would do well, but it was more the fact that she was actually old enough to be going to school that made my eyes tear up. We've been talking about this day since she first started with Early Intervention, but it was always something in the distant future. Now it is really here, and we have entered into a new phase of life with Clare. I quickly wiped my tears away, though, since I had Jamie and Simon with me. It was swim class day, so that was a good distraction while Clare was in school.
Although we do not get to see Clare in her classroom since drop-off and pick-up are outside the school building (thus why there are no photos of Clare in her classroom), we were able to talk about her day after school with Miss Karin. Tuesday is the "low" day in their classroom. Only the kids that need to go four days a week go to school on Tuesdays. In Clare's classroom, it is only her and one other boy. Clare's OT peeked in on her during the day (since Easter Seals shares the building with the developmental preschool) and reported to us that Clare was sitting in her chair working on a puzzle. She was following directions, paying

attention, and doing really well. She also said that Clare enjoyed being with the other child in the classroom. I am glad Clare's first day was a quiet one at school (normally there are 13 children total in the classroom). It gave Clare a chance to warm up to the schedule of the day and the rhythm of the classroom and gave the teachers the opportunity to spend a lot of one-on-one time with Clare and get to know her. Miss Karin said they are going to start slow with Clare, but were able to get her to sit at the table for 10 minutes concentrating on a task. She did say that Clare repeatedly questioned "up? up?" to get out of her seat, but did listen when she was told not yet. Clare also had some OT and speech today. They end the school day with a reading of
Brown Bear (by Eric Carle). This is one of Clare's favorite series of books, so I was not surprised when Miss Karin said that Clare found storytime very soothing.

When we all trooped back to the school to pick Clare up, she was waiting for us outside with the teacher. Clare was happy to see us ("Mama!" and big hugs), but we could tell she also had had a good time at school. She was exhausted, though, and went right to sleep after lunch (she normally puts up a stink about taking a nap - "No nap! No nap!"). Her next school day is Thursday, so our new weekly routine has begun! Below is a video of Clare walking in with Miss Karin. What a big girl!
Such a big girl! I'm so glad her first day went so well. You both do such a wonderful job raising your children though, that I am not the least surprised.
OMG, those pigtails are the cutest!! I am so glad her day went well
I checked your blog so many times today waiting for this post...I was so anxious and excited for all of you...it's seems like yesterday we had the same experience. I am so glad it went well! I just knew it would! Clare is amazing and she has an amazing family! Her pig tails are the cutest ever!
The tears just won't stop. I cannot believe that she's finally HERE at this point... and everything that both of you wrote just really touched me. Please keep us updated with all the school happenings!!
Clare is such a cutie here! I can't imagine how hard it was for you today! Just dropping Brady at the playgroup has been hard. I am very proud of YOU! :)
I am so behind in my life right now, I have Clare's birthday card sitting here on my desk :( We weill see you shortly though so I can hand it to her in person! :)
What an exciting day for all of you! It certainly sounds like Clare enjoyed her time at big school today. Congratulations to the two of you, Teresa and Shawn. You are both so in tune with your kids that Clare was bound to do well. Love and kisses to the big girl! Love, Joan
She looks like such a big kid.
I'm so glad she did so well.
I love the pictures. She looks like such a big girl walking into school.
I would have been bawling my eyes out!
Geez, even I cried watching the video! Love the pigtails.
What a big girl I would be in tears......She rocks and you do too!!!
LOVE the pictures!!! I'm so glad it went well :)
Big step for you all!
My eyes "watered" a bit after I dropped Erik off the first time.
Could she BE any cuter?
That is so sweet. It is very hard to let them go to school. I feel the same way part of me at least wants some sort of "I'll miss you mom", never seem to get it though...
Totally love the pigtails, Clare is super cute!
Wow, is she cute!! What a big girl. She has changed so much since I've starting reading your blog. She is doing so incredibly well, you all must be so proud. Congrats!
Happy Belated 3rd Birthday, Clare Bear!!
We had such a great time visiting with you guys this past weekend and are thrilled that Clare's first day at school went so well. I know that Wesley had a blast with Jamie (especially the part with the tattoos - the marker did come off, by the way) and I really enjoyed my time with Clare. I think Steve was quite taken with her as well. And we just couldn't get enough of those Simon smiles. Our only regret is that our visit couldn't last longer. Hope we can return the hospitality soon. And yes, I agree with everyone, the pigtails ROCK!
The pig tails are AWESOME. She's such a cutie. I'm sure it was hard on both of you--I really felt your pain through your posts. Carriella has been in daycare since she was 16 weeks old, weighing in at a whopping 8 pounds (if that!). I cried. But the magic comes a bit later, when you see them thrive. And she will.
What a big day!! Claire looks so grown up. I just can't believe she is in preschool already. Seems like I was just watching her take her first steps, and now she is walking through the doors of preschool. Man they grow up way too fast! To answer Nancy's question. No, she couldn't be any cuter! She is already breaking the cute scale. :)
OH MY WORD, she looks SO cute in her pigtails and with her backpack on!!! I can't get over it! Sounds like she is doing really really well, I'm so happy for you. I'm glad she had a good day at school and was listening to her teachers. How encouraging for you :)
oh that brought tears to my eyes, she is such a big girl now (LOVE the pigtails!)
Congratulations on such an important milestone!!
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