When I was pregnant with Clare, Shawn and I were on the fence over a girl's name. While pregnant with Jamie, we had chosen the name Emily if the baby was a girl. Although I still love that name, it didn't seem to fit to me when we found out Clare was a girl during her ultrasound. I didn't know why, but I had this nagging feeling as if we needed to choose a different name. After much debate, we both agreed on Clare Therese (pronounced with the little accent marks over the e's, which I cannot duplicate here). Therese was an easy choice since I am Teresa, my grandmother is Teresa, and Shawn's late grandmother was Therese. Plus I have always loved St. Therese and St. Teresa. When I thought of the name Clare, it just clicked. I have always loved St. Francis of Assissi as well, and Clare was his close friend. If you've ever seen the movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon, I have always been drawn to Clare's character in the movie. Like the name, she seemed lovely, feminine, and delicate, but with a core of strength and courag

A little history on St. Clare for you: She was the daughter of an Italian count and countess. After hearing St. Francis preach and becoming close friends with him, she was drawn to God and the religious life, founding the order of Poor Clares. Clare loved music. She was humble, merciful, charming, optimistic, and chivalrous. She lived a simple life of prayer and contemplation. The name Clare means "bright" or "brilliant." Today is St. Clare's feast day because she died on August 11, 1253.
Happy Feast Day!
What a great name for such a bright little girl. Love you Clare :)
Teresa & Shawn - God truely inspired your choice of names for our girl! May He alwsy inspire you and be with Clare throughout her difficult times in life. Love to all, Aunt Joan
Happy Feast Day to you! We go to St Theresa's Parish, so we love St Theresa too!
What a wonderful explanation on the origins of Clare's name. Thank you for sharing that!
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