It's been just Clare and I these past two days at our house. Jamie went to spend some time with his grandparents and cousins before the summer ends, and Shawn is away on a little business trip. It has been so quiet around here! (Clare does not make much noise yet. And even if she did, compared to Jamie being around, it is like a tomb in this house!)
We didn't do anything too exciting, but our new kitchen appliances were delivered yesterday. I was more excited than Clare, who just wanted to know who the two strange men in our kitchen were. I think Clare was happy to go to bed before I started organizing my new fridge. This morning we did a bunch of shopping (which is easier to do with just Clare). Nothing spectacular - Target, B.J.'s, the pet store, the used book store. Like I said, I a

It's been a fun two days spent with Clare. I love getting the alone time with her. She is so cuddly and loves to give me hugs. I think she has enjoyed having me to herself as well, although we're both missing the boys. Peace and quiet is a wonderful thing to have occasionally, but after a while, I am ready to go back to the crazy life again! It will be good to see Jamie and Shawn late tonight when they come home.
I just love clare give her tons of kisses for me. I just bought a pack of the tiny clips also...I love little girls with long hair it is so cute...One on one time is always so nice, enjoy the rest while you can :)
How fun to have just us" days and to chill out. I would probably eat cereal for every meal. :) Loved the pic too of her big smile - she's already such a good poser!
Teresa & Clare - Enjoy the quiet time while you can! It is those times that we realize how much a part of us is missing, also. I hope Jamie had a wonderful time away, and missed his Mommy & sister as much as you missed him. Love to all, Aunt Joan
I hope the boys get home and there's the end of the silence :)))))))))))
I love these pics with the pony-tail, she seems to be a bigger girl :D
I love Cake, and Clare! Your days w/o the boys sounds like my life everyday. I eat frozen pizza at least once a week. Clare is such a doll.
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